Calling all Members to actively participate in the nomination process
Help us foster toxicology both scientifically and educationally across Europe by submitting nominations of outstanding candidates to engage in EUROTOX activities and awards.
2025 Officer Elections
Help in the continuous evolution of our society by nominating candidates to stand for elections to the following EUROTOX office:
- President-Elect (two-year term)
- Secretary-General (three-year term, with possible re-election)
- Member (three-year term, with possible re-election)
- two slots; against possible incumbent
Nominations can be submitted by Member Societies or at least three Individual Members.
All nominations should include the following documents:
(1) a letter from the national society or individual member delegate recommending the candidate
(2) application form (click to download)) completed by the candidate
(3) the candidate’s brief bio or professional cv
(4) a digital photograph of the candidate
Submit nominations via email to the EUROTOX Secretariat (Email: secretariat@eurotox.com)
== The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2025 ==
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EUROTOX2026 Vienna Call
News regarding the 2026 Vienna call for scientific proposals that will impact the submission process.