Societies joining EUROTOX

All National Societies of Toxicology within Europe are eligible for National Society Membership.

A National Society of Toxicology is defined as the primary Society concerned with toxicology in a particular country.

The term Society within this context implies that the organization is nationally recognized and duly constituted in accordance with the common ordinances of other major scientific societies in the country concerned.

If more than one National Society of Toxicology of one country applies for National Society Membership, the primary goals and fields of interest of each Society within that country must be distinctly different.

Other scientific societies in Europe with a specialized interest in toxicology shall be eligible for Affiliated Society Membership.

The decision to accept applications for Membership or Affiliated Membership of EUROTOX shall be taken by the Business Meeting on the basis of information supplied by the candidates to the Executive Committee.

National Societies and Affiliated Societies pay an annual Membership fee.

The amount of the gross fee for these Members is based on the number of individual members they have calculated from January 1, to cover the year ahead.

The amount of the fee is to be decided at the Business Council Meeting with the proviso that the per capita fee charged to any Member Society will never exceed 10% of the fee for individual membership of that National or Affiliated Society.

Currently, the total number of EUROTOX member societies is 35.

For more information regarding how your national toxicology society can become a member society or an affiliated society, please contact the EUROTOX Secretary-General at