Early Career Awards

At each EUROTOX Congress, one or two awards will be made to early career scientist(s) judged to have made the best oral or poster presentation. No more than one EUROTOX Early Career Award will be made in each category. In addition, up to two runners-up in each class may be designated ‘highly commended’, depending on quality and at the discretion of the panel of judges. The first and presenting author must be under 35 years of age as of 31 December of the year of the EUROTOX Congress.

Evaluation criteria

The contributions will be evaluated by a panel consisting of Chairs of the Speciality Sections, chaired by the SPC Chair. The final choice of the winner(s) will be based on evaluation of the presentations based on the following criteria:

  • Originality and potential impact of the research project
  • Adequacy of the methodological approach adopted
  • Scientific value of the results
  • Care, quality and clarity of the poster

2024 Award Recipients

Award winners were announced during the closing ceremony of EUROTOX2023 in Ljubljana, and presented with a certificate and the respective award prize.

EUROTOX Gerhard-Zbinden Award for drug-oriented toxicological research

Caterina Pernici
BiomimX Srl (Italy)
Predicting drug-induced cardiac contractility alterations in a 3D beating heart-on-chip platform

ECETOC CHRISTA HENNES Award for toxicological research into mechanisms and risk assessment

Nadia Herold
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (Germany)
Multi-behavioral fingerprints in larval zebrafish can identify neuroactive environmental chemicals and underlying mechanisms


Highly Commended Recognition

Nathalie Dierichs
RIVM (The Netherlands)
Development of an innovative human-based testing battery for assessing thyroid hormone mediated developmental neurotoxicity

ALFONSO LOSTIA Award for food safety research

Maxi Paul
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Germany)
Material- and Size-related Uptake and Effects of Plastic Particles After Oral Ingestion.