Early Career Awards
Evaluation criteria
2024 Award Recipients
Award winners were announced during the closing ceremony of EUROTOX2023 in Ljubljana, and presented with a certificate and the respective award prize.
EUROTOX Gerhard-Zbinden Award for drug-oriented toxicological research
Caterina Pernici
BiomimX Srl (Italy)
Predicting drug-induced cardiac contractility alterations in a 3D beating heart-on-chip platform
ECETOC CHRISTA HENNES Award for toxicological research into mechanisms and risk assessment
Nadia Herold
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (Germany)
Multi-behavioral fingerprints in larval zebrafish can identify neuroactive environmental chemicals and underlying mechanisms
Highly Commended Recognition
Nathalie Dierichs
RIVM (The Netherlands)
Development of an innovative human-based testing battery for assessing thyroid hormone mediated developmental neurotoxicity
ALFONSO LOSTIA Award for food safety research
Maxi Paul
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Germany)
Material- and Size-related Uptake and Effects of Plastic Particles After Oral Ingestion.