
EUROTOX consists of the following bodies, each with specific duties and responsibilities that help to identify strategic goals and implement activities to achieve set objectives in an efficient and timely manner.




SubCommittees work with the Executive Committee to focus on specific areas and help implement strategic initiatives to achieve EUROTOX's goals.

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Individual Members


Individual Members is an important group of EUROTOX, dating back to its origin as the European Society for the Study of Drug Toxicity, which was founded in Zurich in 1962.

Today, EUROTOX has close to 200 individual members from around the world. Individual membership allows non-European toxicologists, who are unable to join a local national society, to join EUROTOX.

Individual Members meet once a year during the annual congress and have the same benefits and rights as national society members. For every 200 members, Individual Members are represented by a Delegate at the annual EUROTOX Business Council Meeting, and have a right to vote and ratify motions when called upon.

Business Council


The Business Council is EUROTOX’s decision-making body. Delegates, appointed by their respective national societies, gather once a year during the annual congress, to propose motions and vote on decisions pertaining to EUROTOX's initiatives, operations, and policies. The Business Council also participates in elections for officers and congress bids during the Business Council Meeting.

Early Career Forum (ECF)


The Early Career Forum (ECF) represents and serves as a voice for early career scientists within EUROTOX.  ECF members will be involved in EUROTOX activities, and propose and set up new EUROTOX activities customised for early career scientists. Established as an autonomously acting group, the ECF will be in continuous collaboration with the EUROTOX Executive Committee.