The EUROTOX Lecture (replacing the former Bo Holmstedt Lecture) was established in 2022 and recognises scientists who have made outstanding scientific contributions to the science of drug and chemical toxicology, or related areas.

Nomination Process

Nominations should be active, mid-career scientists involved in toxicology research in the public or private sector that are making substantial and innovative scientific contributions in the field of toxicological sciences.

Particular emphasis is given to recent research contributions, and advanced knowledge of European toxicology with an internationally appeal. Scientific accomplishment is the prime consideration in the evaluation review process.

2024 Award Recipient

Juliette Legler (Utrecht University, NL)

Juliette Legler med res

Past EUROTOX Lecture Recipients

2023: Bruno Mégarbane (Lariboisière University Hospital Paris, France)

2022: Helena Kandarova (CEM Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakia)

Historical Bo Holmstedt Lecture Recipients

The Bo Holmstedt Lecture was established in 2005 (replacing the Gerhard Zbinden Memorial Lecture Award) and was supported by the Bo Holmstedt Memorial Fund. The award was presented every year during the EUROTOX congress to recognise scientists who have made outstanding research contributions to the science of drug or chemical toxicology.

From  2017 to 2021, the lecture was also presented at the SOT meeting.

Recipients of the Bo Holmstedt Lecture from 2005 to 2021 include:

2021: Shana Sturla (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
2020: No congress held
2019: Wout Slob (RIVM, The Netherlands)
2018: Nigel Gooderham (Imperial College London, UK)
2017: Vera Rogiers (Vrije Universiteit, Brussel)
2016: Marcel Leist (University of Konstanz, Germany)
2015: Dimosthenis Sarigiannis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
2014: Kevin Park (University of Liverpook, UK)
2013: Sandra Ceccatelli (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
2012: Marc Pallardy (University Paris-Sud, France)
2011: Gerald Cohen (MRC Toxicology Unit, Leicester, UK)
2010: Ian Kimber (University of Manchester, UK)
2009: Jan G. Hengstler (Dortmund, Germany)
2008: Ruth Roberts (AstraZeneca, UK)
2007: Olavi Pelkonen (University of Oulu, Finland)
2006: Lewis Smith (Syngenta, Switzerland)
2005: Jeff Vos (RIVM, The Netherlands)