Molecular Toxicology
The Molecular Toxicology Speciality Section is interested in the molecular mechanisms whereby chemicals cause toxicity. There are several reasons for this interest.
Firstly, mechanisms of toxicity can reveal fundamental aspects of biology. Thus, toxins such as cyanide and rotenone were used to reveal the existence of the Krebs cycle, a central component of cellular energy metabolism.
Secondly, understanding of mechanisms of toxicity is essential for meaningful extrapolation of results obtained in experimental systems, for the risk assessment of human exposure to chemicals. Thus there are examples where the extrapolation from high dose to low dose requires a non-linear model on the basis of knowledge of a mechanism, and there are examples where extrapolation from species-to-species requires detailed knowledge of mechanisms.
Finally, the application of novel molecular biology methods offers fantastic opportunities for enhancing our understanding of toxicology.
The Molecular Toxicology group therefore is committed to embracing a dynamic and expanding vision of the future of toxicology, and is seeking to expand its membership, and the relevance of its mission for the membership of EUROTOX.
We actively seek engagement with the membership, and a mailing list is available for all those who wish to participate. The annual face to face meeting takes place during the annual EUROTOX congress. Please join us!
To learn more, read the operational guidelines here.