European Register of Toxicologists (ERT)

The European Register of Toxicologists is a service of EUROTOX established in 1994. It constitutes a list of toxicologists who excel by high standards of education, skills, experience, and professional standing. The intention is to foster competence in practice and science and to provide to the public an authoritative source of information on toxicological competencies. Individuals who want to be registered and are found to comply with the requirements defined by EUROTOX and National Societies of Toxicology, and are accepted, are qualified to use the title EUROPEAN REGISTERED TOXICOLOGIST, ERT, with their name.

Advantages of being an ERT

  • High quality training courses with harmonized programs are available in many European countries and institutions
  • High professional competence of ERTs is recognized Europe-wide / world-wide
  • Many employers prefer ERTs for specific jobs. Therefore more job opportunities are available for ERTs
  • EUROTOX strives for official recognition of ERT by governmental authorities and other institutions

Qualified toxicologists recognized as ERT are now working in a wide array of different fields (drug, nutritional, chemical and environmental safety, risk assessment and risk management, basic research, clinical and occupational toxicology, etc). To cope with the diverse needs in these different fields the Guidelines for Registration envisage training in the basic topics of toxicology, and in addition offer numerous options for specialisation.